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Thank you for authorizing CodeRabbit

Thank you for authorizing CodeRabbit to take GitHub actions on your behalf. This is only needed for any write permissions.

CodeRabbit will only perform write operations when requested by you and never on its own

Thank you for authorizing CodeRabbit to take GitHub actions on your behalf. This is only needed for any write permissions.

CodeRabbit will only perform write operations when requested by you and never on its own

CodeRabbit is an innovative, AI-driven platform that transforms the way code reviews are done. Its automated reviews elevate the code quality while significantly reducing the time and effort tied to extensive manual code reviews.

The platform offers insightful, line-by-line feedback on code changes, suggesting improvements and corrections that can enhance the efficiency and robustness of the code.

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CodeRabbit © 2024.

CodeRabbit is an innovative, AI-driven platform that transforms the way code reviews are done. Its automated reviews elevate the code quality while significantly reducing the time and effort tied to extensive manual code reviews.

The platform offers insightful, line-by-line feedback on code changes, suggesting improvements and corrections that can enhance the efficiency and robustness of the code.

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CodeRabbit © 2024.

CodeRabbit is an innovative, AI-driven platform that transforms the way code reviews are done. Its automated reviews elevate the code quality while significantly reducing the time and effort tied to extensive manual code reviews.

The platform offers insightful, line-by-line feedback on code changes, suggesting improvements and corrections that can enhance the efficiency and robustness of the code.

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CodeRabbit © 2024.