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CodeRabbit Announces $16M Series-A Funding Led by CRV

CodeRabbit Announces $16M Series-A Funding Led by CRV


Exciting news! CodeRabbit has secured a $16 million Series A funding round, with CRV leading the charge. This funding will help us accelerate our mission to transform code quality, security and developer productivity with AI.

Reid Christian, General Partner at CRV, will be joining our board, and we're thrilled to leverage CRV's expertise and network to serve our customers better. For us, finding the right early-stage VC firm was all about increasing our productivity and accelerating our growth. Selecting CRV as our partner was easy given the firm's commitment to the developer community and its track record for working alongside founders, not just in the startup phase, but through IPO and beyond.

This round includes investments from Tod Sacerdoti (Flex Capital), Ashmeet Sidana (Engineering Capital) and several mentors, who bring a wealth of experience in developer tools and enterprise AI.

Our Journey So Far

We are witnessing an inflection point in the software development industry. Developers around the world have been realizing the incredible possibilities that AI can bring. The introduction of GitHub Copilot and ChatGPT have revolutionized software development and have been the fastest-growing tools in this space.

While on the code generation side, many tools have emerged, the code review process has remained largely unchanged. We continue to use the same tools and processes that were used 10 years ago. The code is still manually reviewed, which is slow, error-prone, and expensive.

CodeRabbit was born out of this realization. As developers ourselves, we faced the inefficiencies and frustrations of traditional code reviews at our previous workplaces. We envisioned an AI-powered code reviewer that could save developers countless hours while improving the quality of the code that goes beyond what is possible with human reviewers alone and existing linting tools.

Since its inception, CodeRabbit has been well-received by the developer community. The company reached $1M+ in annual recurring revenue milestone in less than a year, while operating on a bootstrapped budget.

Some high-level traction stats:

  • Most installed AI application on GitHub Marketplace: 16K+ installations

  • 150K+ repositories under review

  • Several hundred paying organizations

  • High adoption in open-source projects: 300K+ pull requests reviewed

  • On average, 10K+ developers use CodeRabbit daily

  • Strong community: 15K+ followers on X and 2K+ users on our Discord server

What Worked for Us

  • Intuitive product experience: Investing in sheer delight and attention to detail helped build a loyal user base. This is especially true in the AI-applications space, where user experience can make or break a product. Most AI products tend to be spammy and noisy, leading to user abandonment. Right from the get-go, we strived to maintain a high signal-to-noise ratio in our product and provide feedback that is actionable and easy to accept without cognitive overload.

  • Engineered for product-led growth: Early on, we realized that the best way to bring our product to a wider audience was to make it easy for developers to discover and use it. We invested heavily in the seamless onboarding experience, easy organization-wide rollouts, integration with popular platforms like GitHub & GitLab, easy to understand pricing, and a generous free tier. This helped us grow our user base rapidly and organically.

  • Getting love with the open-source community: We made our paid product free for public repositories, which helped us gain a strong foothold in the open-source community. This not only helped us build a strong brand presence but also allowed us to get valuable feedback from the community, which we used to improve our product. We strongly believe in giving back to the community and have been an active sponsor of several open-source projects that we use in our stack.

What Lies Ahead

CodeRabbit is a fast-growing company, and we are excited about the future of bringing AI to developer workflows. The new venture funding will help us hire top talent across engineering, product and GTM functions to help us expand our product offerings and accelerate our growth.

Ready to join us? Explore open positions on our careers page or email us at [email protected].

Not looking for a new role but want to supercharge your code reviews with AI-driven contextual feedback? Try CodeRabbit with a free 14-day trial!

CodeRabbit􏰁コードレビュー􏰀方法を変革する革新的なAI駆動型プラットフォームです。そ􏰀自動化されたコードレビューによって従来􏰀手作業による時間と労力を大幅に削減しなが ら、コード品質を向上させます。

CodeRabbit􏰁コード􏰀変更に対する洞察に満ちたフィードバックを提供し、コード􏰀効率や堅牢 性を高める改善案を提供します。


CodeRabbit © 2023。

CodeRabbit􏰁コードレビュー􏰀方法を変革する革新的なAI駆動型プラットフォームです。そ􏰀自動化されたコードレビューによって従来􏰀手作業による時間と労力を大幅に削減しなが ら、コード品質を向上させます。

CodeRabbit􏰁コード􏰀変更に対する洞察に満ちたフィードバックを提供し、コード􏰀効率や堅牢 性を高める改善案を提供します。


CodeRabbit © 2023。

CodeRabbit􏰁コードレビュー􏰀方法を変革する革新的なAI駆動型プラットフォームです。そ􏰀自動化されたコードレビューによって従来􏰀手作業による時間と労力を大幅に削減しなが ら、コード品質を向上させます。

CodeRabbit􏰁コード􏰀変更に対する洞察に満ちたフィードバックを提供し、コード􏰀効率や堅牢 性を高める改善案を提供します。


CodeRabbit © 2023。